No Increased Housing without funding for Increased Infrastructure

The looming new housing targets, set by the incoming Labour government, are poised to significantly impact our shire districts. The new method for new housing allocation, applied to the number of new homes in local plans, is a pressing issue. In most cases, rural areas will have to absorb significant additional numbers, leading to severe pressure on transport infrastructure and loss of amenity.

This disparity is most glaring in the case of Stratford on Avon District within Warwickshire. While neighbouring Warwick District Council’s area is set to absorb a 65% increase and Solihull Borough Council’s area a 52% increase, Stratford on Avon District Council is burdened with a 99% increase, requiring a staggering additional 1098 homes to be built. Along the line at Wythall, which is situated within Bromsgrove District, similar pressure could exist with Bromsgrove district now having to absorb another 706 homes, an increase of 82% on its previous plans.

At the same time, Birmingham will see a 31% decrease in the number of new homes it must build. 

These decisions have significant implications for rural areas. The government is reducing housing targets for London and Birmingham while imposing increased numbers of new housing onto shire districts.

The Shakespeare Line Rail User Group has reacted to this news with its Chair, Peter Morris, launching an appeal to local councils to engage and unify to save the amenity of rural areas. 

Peter says

“With the Stratford-on-Avon District already considering the development of new housing along the existing rail corridor between Stratford-upon-Avon and Birmingham, it is crucial for both the District and County Councils to show leadership at this critical time, especially considering the significant increase in the number of dwellings to be absorbed mandated by the government.

SLRUG is calling on elected members to seek engagement with local people and to put aside all the debates and views of the past. It’s time to objectively consider the future of Stratford upon Avon, the villages within South Warwickshire, East Worcestershire and North Gloucestershire. Working with neighbouring authorities and Solihull Borough Council is crucial. A unified approach is needed to ensure that developers fund proper infrastructure as a non-negotiable precondition to new development. This should include schools, medical care provision and other amenities but crucially sustainable transport too.

We should not assume that existing infrastructure can support the construction of thousands of new homes. It’s important to invest properly in the infrastructure of any area, keeping in mind that this doesn’t just mean building more roads, which are not sustainable in planned development areas. Existing communities deserve adequate investment in all aspects of infrastructure.

SLRUG will write to Stratford upon Avon District Council, Warwickshire County Council, Solihull Borough Council, and the Members of Parliament who cover railway stations between and within the Stratford upon Avon and Solihull council areas. 

Further, SLRUG will write to Richard Parker, the West Midlands Metro Mayor, as the person with significant influence and control over regional funding. There is now a clear need for funding for transport infrastructure outside the greater Birmingham area. SLRUG believes local Councils using their powers to require improved and adequate infrastructure is a critical step to prevent the final and irreversible destruction of the general amenity associated with England’s rural areas, such as South Warwickshire.”