Become a member today.

As a user of the Shakespeare Line, we’d love you to join us. It’s excellent value, and crucially it helps strengthen the voice of all passengers using train services between Birmingham and Stratford upon Avon and London/Leamington Spa >< Stratford upon Avon.

As a Rail User Group, we meet with key stakeholders across the sector, which includes Senior Managers at Train Operators, Network Rail, Senior Officers at Local Transport Authorities, Local Councillors and Members of Parliament.

As a member, you will have access to the ‘Members Section’ of our website, where, as a member, you can access all the information from our Committee meetings and see all the correspondence and submissions we make and have made to a range of relevant organisations from Train Operators, local authorities and the Department for Transport.

You will also be able to access our SLRPG News magazine, published twice a year which includes unique contributions from several stakeholders, giving you all the latest information and news.

As a member, you can also ask us to raise issues or new ideas on your behalf and influence and help shape our aims and objectives. Membership is excellent value at £12 a year.

Join today; fill out the form below, use PayPal and click send. We will then be in contact with you as soon as possible to set up your membership and access to the members section of the website.

Alternatively, fill out your details and email us, and we will get in touch directly.

If you wish, you can always donate to SLRPG and help us to continue working and campaigning, which we have been doing for over 50 years, to protect, maintain and build an even better railway service along our line and for the communities it serves.